
spiderman and batman

what are they doing? the spiderman and batman is doing somethingreally interesting at outside in the evening. it seems that the spidermna is trying to climb over the fence and the batman is helping him with that. maybe you will curious about that why they don't use their super powers to climb the fence, right? they are spidreman and batman!
indeed, the spiderman and batman both are the fictional characters from the comic books or the movies, so the spiderman and batman in our daily life are just some fans in the spiderman costumes or batman costumes, they don't really have the super powers, they are just like the normal people like you and me. if we want to go somewhere, we can not fly, we could only by some transportations, so do these superheroes.
and of course, everyone could be the spiderman or batman as long as they get the costumes. if you like to be the superheroes for doing something interesting like they did in the picture, then you all needed now is the costumes. i am sure that it will bring you a lot of fun.

